Nostalgic memories of Colchester's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 26 in total

Hi I worked at Essex Hall when was 17 as a cadet nurse it was situated alongside North Station..Happy Days
I have been living in Melbourne Australia since emigrating with my parents in 1962. I have such fond memories of growing up and volunteering to be installed in the stocks during visiting hours at the castle with my cousins. I went to Mile End primary school then onto St Helena high. I started my hairdressing apprenticeship at Marion Lear hair salon. If anyone should read this that knows me as Margaret Long please contact me as I would love to hear from you. was cold. Not as cold as the grammar school open air pool mind when swimming lessons began in May term. My aunt Edith Baines used to teach at the open air pool, and by the end of the summer she was the colour of teak !
I also visited Salisbury Avenue where my grandparents lived, every day, as I came home from the Grammar School. I regularly went past the barracks and along the Artillery Folly on my way to the bus station then in St Johns street. So much has altered. I remember from early years at Salisbury Avenue the lighting of the gas lamps, the visits of the shrimp and winkle man, and several horse drawn traders, who produced manure for my grandmothers garden!
Does any one have any memories of this hotel around d this time, I understand my grandparents ran the pub, although I never met my grandad I know his surname was Oliver and my Grandmothers married name was Alice Oliver. I think her parents may have ran it before and their name was Baker
I just thought that the springboard (outside the female changing rooms ) was just the springiest of all springboards. Seriously though,my memories of those sunny days at the old Colchester Swimming Pool were some of my happiest.I used to live at 91 Mile End Road and even from there on a hot sunny day I could hear the screams and shouts from the pool and just wanted to be there. Memories are too many to ...see more
I remember the swimming pool. My mum used to take us all day in the school holidays. My friend Adele and I used to go there in the evening in September. My dad used to drop us off. We were the only ones in there and it was freezing. It would take us ages to get in. We must have been mad. I live in Australia now and the children here won't go into a pool unless it is heated!!!!! I also ...see more
I went to St Johns from the age of 5 until we left Colchester in 1975, I remember a very strict teacher called Miss Keeble. I remember the walk to school from my dad Cyril's grocery shop on Alexandra Road. I can remember the military tatoo in Castle Park and the fireworks display. I can also remember spending Saturday mornings at the ABC cinema and my dancing classes at Mrs White's dancing school near to ...see more
Yup well recall Smiffy treated us boys of St Helena on the skive.... with considerable contempt..... recall his "floating" marathoons spread eagled in the deep end.
In the late 1950's I spent much time down here watching the shipping. First I would go to the Library in Culver Street to look at the Lloyds News sheet to see which boats were arriving or leaving. I would also look the ships up in Lloyds Register to find out the details of the ships. I remember the smalles of petrol being unloaded and the slightly obnoxious smell from the works on the quayside, making Fire ...see more