Nostalgic memories of Hale's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 8 Memories

Born in Hale in 1941, I have many happy memories of growing up in Hale. Weekly visits to the grocers (Burstons ?) near the railway station. Playing with friends around Bankhall Lane (lived at number 43) and the Bollin Valley. Went to Altrincham Prep. School, then on to Altrincham Grammar. Enjoyed Ware's Ice Cream when I was picking up milk from the bottling section behind the shop. David and Timothy Ware were ...see more
I went to a junior fellowship and then senior in St. Peter's rooms by the bowling green. Spent hours watching tennis at the courts in Leigh Rd. Haven't been back for many years, are they still there I wonder. Many happy memories of Hale village.
I was brought up on Broomfield Lane; wonderful memories of Wares Creamery which was a cafe and sold amazing ice cream, where Hale Grill is now. We used to play with dentist, Mr McKnight's daughter Amanda; they had a tortoise who lived in the exotic! Hours spent in the library and the reliable 'bobby' in the police station on the corner of Leigh Road. Such a lovely place to grow which we took so much for granted.
Mr McKnight my old dentist. Durigs much missed.
I wasn't around in 1913, but went to Broussa School  on Broomfield Lane from 1961-1963.  It was there I first heard of the Beatles!  A girl in the middle school brought in the 'Please please me' album and played it to us 10 year olds at break time!! I also remember the dentist (Mr McKnight) was just past these shops on the right.
I was born in Hale in 1952 and lived there (in Warwick Drive) until 1975. I was then Karen Rampling and was (with my twin Philip) the youngest of my parents' 6 children. I have so many memories of my idyllic childhood there. When I have collated them all I'll add them to this site.
My Great-Aunt Margaret Valentine married John "Hugh" Valentine and lived in Bower Road Hale in the 1920's. She was an infant teacher, had lovely red hair, and was described by my family as everybody's favourite. My Dad, Howard Norfolk, went to stay with her and her family around 1927 and remembered her fondly. Sadly she died in tragic circumstances in 1930 when she fell in front of a train on the level crossing whiich I guess may be the one by Hale station.
In 1964 my most profound memories were of staying with both my Grandparents in there home which was the old school house. George booth the local milkman had his dairy next door and every time i arrived i used to help him every day with his deliveries throughout the whole area. He used to have an old Standard van and i used to stand on the back door ledge, jumping out with milk bottles in hand ...see more