Mount Carmel Salford 1952

A Memory of Salford.

I was born on Cavendish Street opposit St.Clements church,and moved to Ordsall flats in 1949 brand new they were ! We lived in Everard House near the Globe pub.
We went to Mount Carmel infants school when Mr Glynn was the head teacher,I guess most of my childhood in Salford was centered around the church which was on Oldfield road.It was Father Kavanagh at the time.
I too remember Salford with its rows and rows of terraced houses but I also remember the closeness of the community,people were so friendly and helpfull we never locked a door,no need we had nowt lol.
In the "entry" as it was called then there used to be a bookies !!! all very illegal at the time and all very secretive,I would take a bet for my uncle and you had to knock on back yard door 3 times and a part of the door would open,you just gave the man the money and the bet and go quick as you could lol
Regent Road was thriving then loads of shops,George Glass`s,home stores,and of course CRoss lane market !!!! with its lovely black puddings that made your mouth water lol
Times were very hard in my childhood in Salford money was hard to come by, it was pre welfare state so all you got was what you earned,I used to "donkey stone" steps and pavements for 3d each ,sometimes I got a tanner lol (2and1/2 p)
We used to go to the Dominion cinema on Ordsall lane and there on a saturday matinee became aquainted with "Flash Gordon" my God can we even say that now ? lol and of course Laurel and Hardy.! but often the old films would break down!
Miss Grey was the head teacher at the senior school,she was a typical school marm to look at but had a heart of gold and was very fair to all of us.
I hope this jogs some memories
Catherine Conley

Added 16 September 2007


Comments & Feedback

Hi I have just joined this site my name was Julie barton I was born in feb 1958 so it would have been about sept1963 when I started mount carmel the head was miss dunelevey when I started but I do remember mr glynn I also remember regent road cross lane market and the dominion cinema and I loved walking in the whit walks it was Fr gudgen when iwas at mounts I also remember Fr clements I grew up in little hannan street we backed on to ordsall lane
hi has anyone read my message about mount carmel
Hi Julie , are you on Facebook.
Hi my name is Anne I remember being born in may 1952 - my father was James Scott and we lived very close to overall lane and mount at Joseph's school. I remember our house was over looking some flats. I'm have very little memory of living in the area. My father and uncle Walter Scott worked at Greengate and Jewell rubber company for their working life. Does anyone have photos of this area I mentioned? Thanks Anne
no I am not on face book x

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