The Good And The Bad

A Memory of Stanhope.

Yes we were bad lads who went to Stanhope. The first words Mr Bowles said to me was "I tame lions and tigers just like you" then slapped me across the face. Remember that? As for the teachers: Glendenning Mctavish, Mellody Maddison, Stewart Wheeler and Headmaster Bowls and Miss Fergison. Yes I think most of us will remember them, some for good some for bad. The first three years was just growing up. School camping in Witby boy scouts, cross country running, sports. Normal things in ones life - that was the good. The bad. Ask Tom Winstanley, David Hyde and Dave Hadock, they found how bad it could be - it was no cup of tea. To whatch your mates crying in pain after Bowls or Mellody had set about them with a cane - back, bum, legs, they didn't care where they hit you. I found out myself when I ran away with another lad. ?????? I wonder if he remembers? By God I got the hiding of my life. I was black and blue from head to feet - Bowls, Maddison, Mellody, they just loved to give it. They made me wash the toilet floor day in day out - even threw my food on the floor and told me to eat it. A lot more things happened there, and a lot of you poor lads were on the receiving end of it. I hope you lads who was there when I was had a good life after Stanhope?

Added 05 June 2012


Comments & Feedback

Im Colin Watson from Middlesbrough, 59 til 64 Softley house, number 23, I remember you well Arthur, we swapped stamps and comics, in between getting abused by the devils henchmen, Everyone who absconded came back because they were frightened the truth would come out about the abuse (of all kinds) on your last abscond you never came back, we all worried that they'd punished you so bad that they'd killed you, like they did poor Danny Slaven.
We, Eric Buck and I even looked for where they might of buried you.
Then l was seeing Anita Foster in 2001 RIP, & she said she knew you as family she was a mbro lass but lived in Batley, That was when l realised they hadnt done the dirty deed.It would be nice to hear from you.
colin and Arthur I remember you both my name is Trevor Brown I was in Horsley house and I was in the dorm I had the bed close miss fergisons room you would probably remember me by Irish
colin and Arthur I remember you both my name is Trevor Brown I was in Horsley house and I was in the dorm I had the bed close miss fergisons room you would probably remember me by Irish

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