Happy Days Near Colliers End

A Memory of Colliers End.

My family bought property between Colliers End & High Cross - about 5 acres. My dad used to stop there for tea after having biked from London to Cambridge and stopped on his way back to London. The acreage comprised a lovely two-storey house, a poultry farm, barn and woodland, restaurant with gazebos & other buildings for teas and dinners. The house stood on its own down in a dell. You could just see the chimney from the road. This was in 1938 when I was a young girl. We did a very good trade, mostly on Sundays. As soon as WW2 began, petrol was rationed and that was the end of that. We moved back to London. Now I live in Sacramento, California - a far cry from the charm of the English countryside, Colliers End and its environs. They were very special days! My best friend was Gwen; she lived in High Cross. I attended elementary school in Ware.

Added 07 March 2012


Comments & Feedback

We now live inyour house although only 3/4 acre, think some of the land was sold off, we have a photo of Hillside when it was a tea shop andthe old Lyons Tea sign. We also have a picture of the brickfields manager with his family (all ladies wearing long dresses) think this was who thehouse was built for in 1903

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