Nostalgic memories of Croydon's local history

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Displaying Memories 101 - 110 of 242 in total

Does anyone remember the Y.W.C.A club at Sydenham Road, just off of Wellesey Rd in the late 40's and early 50's? It had a dance hall in the back garden. I think it was run by an American lady named Miss Murdoch, she was the typical bobby soxer; wearing sneakers and white ankle socks. It was a great place to go and have a good time dancing to decent music.
I remember the road very well; I went out with a young lady who lived in the road and went to the school, although she left in 1948. I met her at a club in West Croydon where she and her sister went in the evenings. Their names were June & Hazel Lucas and at first I thought they were relatives of mine but no, and in 1953 I married June at St Martins on the corner of Stretton Rd and Moreland Road. Sadly, now a block of flats.
I remember when Kennards use to have pony rides in the Arcades. I also remember Grants used to be a very posh department store. I moved away from Croydon in 1990 but can remember going to the old Croydon Hospital on the London Road, West Croydon for an xray. Last time I went to croydon was 8 years ago, I didn't like it and if I had to drive through it now I am sure I would get lost!
Does anyone remember Davidson Road Secondary Modern School? This was late 1950's pre co-education days so although housed in the same building, girls were upstairs and boys downstairs. Seperate playgrounds and 'never the twain shall meet'. There was a girl with long wavy fair hair .Like me she was a prefect, her name was Margaret Connell and I positively worshipped her for the whole of the last year of ...see more
I was born in Croydon in 1943, moved to Addington, then Birchington (Kent) before returning to New Addington in 1953 where I attended Wolsey Junior School & Fairchildes Secondary School. Shirley Secondary, Lanfranc Boys School & finally John Ruskin Boys High. I have many vivid memories of life in New Addington in those early days for this large sprawling estate. Built on a windswept hill ...see more
After our family home in Trafalgar Avenue, Peckham was damaged by the 'blitz' for the 3rd time, my mother decided enough is enough. She got in touch with her sister who lived in the country (South Norwood) to try and get us accomodation near her - this she did. We moved from Peckham to a nice upstairs flat at 34 Whitworth Road. Both of these houses although suffering a pummerling (minor damage ...see more
At the age of 7 I was told by my parents we all had to go to Wellesly Road to be fitted with a gas mask. I have a clear memory of this horrifying experience. It was one thing then another, upsetting my childhood world. First in 1939 I was no longer allowed to fly my kite in the rec at Thornton Heath, then there was all the blackout palava; now I had to have this horrible mask whose window quickly got steamed up and I ...see more
I lived in Langdale Road and became head choirboy at St Stephens. Have fond memories of many parts of Croydon. Does anyone know of what became of Coral Parkin in Beverstone Road. She and I met at the youth club and were good friends. We used to get neighbours lace curtains twitching outside her house, and then my house. Just innocently kissing and cuddling to 'give the neighbours some entertainment'. Remember there was no T.V. in those days.
My dad was born in Croydon in 1936, he lived in Milton Road. His name was Ray Simmons and he had two brothers, Reg and Ken. He married my mum Rita in 1961 and I was born in Mayday Hospital in 1962. I can remember spending my holidays visiting my nan and uncles, going to the Whitgift Centre and feeling grown up having a glass of lemonade in the Windmill pub at the top of Milton Road and getting a big K lolly from the ...see more
In about 1952 appeared in the scouts gang show at Civic Hall organised by Ralph Reader. In 54 attended my final year prize giving before I left Croydon Sec Tech. Still have picture of this event which appeared in the Croydon Advertiser. I also remember well the toy shop Hamleys and many Dinky toys and Meccano kits, my parents bought for me. The Sax One Shoe at the top of the hill provided me with ...see more