My Memories Of Drum Chapel In It's Infancy

A Memory of Drumchapel.

I lived in Tallant Terrace from the early fifties until the family moved to Cumbernauld in 1969.
At that time, Jedworth Avenue etc was not yet built. There was a gunsite there, and we used to play hide and seek, in amongst the tunnels.Jedworth was built round about 1958, because my dad was a joiner with Glasgow Corporation, and was working on the houses at that time. I remember it well, because my youngest brother, Ian, was born in the October of that year, at home, and my dad came home at lunchtime to see his new son ,who incidentally was named after the doctor who delivered him.

There was also a farm on Kinfauns Drive, left of Goyle Avenue. I remember it well because my dad used to drive a van for the farmer, doing what, I don't know! There is so much more I remember, but it would take forever and a day to put it all down, but perhaps someone would be interested in hearing my story which would fill a few volumes at least.

Added 03 December 2016


Comments & Feedback

I lived in tallant ter from 1956 69 I remember the gunsite we used to play football there with john mc kenna(died last year) ALAN maxwell he also passed away 5 years ago, Neil Fitzgerald ,Alfie Todd,billy carracher,Alec wright I went to Waverley in knightswood,now an old folk home,many happy memories jim smith
hi Catherine, you may be my 2nd cousin, Alan Fraser, i lived in Rayne pl

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