Hamilton House School

A Memory of Ealing.

I attended Hamilton House school on Florence Road from about 1950 until 1956 when I was sent away to boarding school at Sutton Valence School, Kent. My memories of HH are, like most others, very mixed. The only teacher who was any good at teaching was Mr. Taylor who had, for the era, the novel notion of using a Lesson Plan whereby he knew what he wanted the boys to learn. He was in charge of what was called the Fifth Form and was well liked by most of the boys. He exposed me (aged 11 or 12 only) to the skill of public speaking and debating which benefitted me hugely ever after. The other teachers I remember were feared or ridiculed. Or both. Mr. Rolls (4th form) was particularly bad and used to call the boys "swine" or "scum". He was a bachelor who lived with his sister and was a religious zealot. The headmaster (and owner of the school) was Mr. Phillips, also a bachelor. He was a firm believer in the use of the strap as a teaching tool as well as a disciplinary tool. For example, it was routine in the 5th and 6th forms that a "Strap Test" was scheduled for many Saturday morning lessons with the pass mark being 15 out of 20 questions. Boys who got fewer than 15 correct answers were punished with one hard stroke of the strap on both hands from Mr. Phillips. On one particular occasion I remember one of the senior (ie over age 12) boys enduring 3 hard strokes on each hand for failing a Latin test. Like others writing here I also remember walking as what was called "a dinner boy" in a "crocodile" procession to a malodorous boarding house about 15 minutes away under the supervision of Mr. Rolls, where we ate, for the era, a passable lunch meal. As each meal ended Mr. Rolls turned his back to the boys and rinsed his false teeth in his water glass! Whether he intended to amuse us, or not, he then left the water glass in full sight to enable us to view the debris he had deposited there. Naturally, we giggled! I never maintained any contact with my fellow-pupils after I had left HH in 1956. But I still have warm memories of people such as Peter James, Clive Sachs, Stephen Baldock, David Cope-Brown …. and others. If any HH survivors remember me I'd welcome hearing from them. I'm now retired from work as a jurist and live in Niagara, Canada. I left Ealing in 1963 after graduating from the University of Wales.
Ah, those happy memories of getting off the slow overnight train at Ealing Broadway at 6 a.m.!

Added 17 August 2018


Comments & Feedback

I was there, I think 1954 1955
Keshar Kalgutkar
I was there sometime in late 50s and remember very little as I spent most of my time looking out the window. I remember Mr.Roll (Rolls) who once hit me so hard for not paying attention during Latin lessons that he sent me straight through the blackboard on an easel. Mr. Phillips I rember well for using his strap on me after being reported by some peasant for walking without my cap on. The bastard. I think I was deemed to be a waste of time. The academic world was not for me and like one of the other contributors was deemed un-teachable and sent to Selbourne state school in Greenford where, because of my upper class accent, I was beaten up every day. To my parents horror I ended up speaking like my class mates. I was later sent far away to a boarding school in Plymouth where I was as much trouble and never learnt anything. I am now an artist doing the only thing I was ever good at...painting and living in the Netherlaands. Paul Davenport.
I was at Hamilton House from 1953 to 1958. I remember Mr. Taylor very well, excellent teacher, plus Mr. Rolls and Bembridge. Not too sure of the others except for AG Phillips the Head who used to beat regularly with the strap he kept in his roll top desk. I can remember being beaten several times, holding my hand out and 6 on each. A complete sadist was Phillips. Boys of my year, or thereabouts that I can remember were the Lewisohn brothers, the Ginsborg brothers, Kenneth Littlewood, Peter Johnston, Peter Lacey, David Cope,Peter Blackstaffe and various others. I was in contact with Steven Brind until he disappeared. Would love to hear from others who might have been ther around that time
John Bell
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