Highfield House Cottage Earlsheaton

A Memory of Earlsheaton.

The best of my childhood memories are of Highfield House and Highfield Cottage in the late part of the 60s and early 70s. The summers always seemed hot and the days were long and happy. I come from a large family and we always had so much fun in the fields at the back of the house, rolling from the top of the hill almost down to the train tracks at the bottom, sunbathing or anything that would fill our day, we used to stay out for hours, only going home when it got dark or we were hungry. I remember when the fairground came, we could see it from the railings in our garden looking out over Dewsbury, you could hear the music playing and the bright lights flashing, or the voices and the screams of the people on the rides. I used to wish I was there but I was too young, the best I got was standing and watching over the railings with my sister, she actually got to go there as she was older. There was an old man, a friend of my Mum and Dad, who used to come visit us, he lived along by the Lowside Club, I think his name was Mr Townend, he used to bring Flake bars for us kids every time he visited, he also built cranes and things out of Meccano and used to bring them to show us when they were finished. I also remember waking up one morning and looking out of the bedroom window and seeing tights on the washing line, not just any old tights, but loads, one of every colour you can imagine, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, pink, black...you name it, they were there, my sister had decided to wash all of her tights and hang them out together, I'd never seen so many, let alone so many colours.... It's funny, the things you remember. I remember going to Earlsheaton Park with my brothers and sisters, that was when there was a paddling pool and swingboats there, I loved the swingboats..... also the old nursery at the bottom of the park which was supposedly haunted, probably something my brother made up to scare me. Earlsheaton has changed so much, as you would expect over the years, as you came to the top of the hill ,opposite the Park Hotel there used to be an archway, there was a chip shop there, also as you went along the road there was the bank which went all round the corner, a big, dark and what seemed like an imposing building to a five year old, all of this is now home to flats which carry on right up to where the shops start opposite Ossett Lane. I attended Earlsheaton Infants School and remember at one point having to go to classes in the church hall opposite for a while, I think it was due to refurbishment in the school, I remember hating it as it seemed so strange and dark in there compared to the classroom I was used to. Highfield House where I lived was built by the Preston family, it was a very large building and when I lived there it had been turned into bedsitting rooms or flats, we later moved into Highfield Cottage (which I loved), we were the last family to live there, and I still remember the day we moved out, it is a shame it no longer exists, and is the sort of place I would have loved to bring my own family up in. There are so many memories of growing up in Earlsheaton, I now live in Kent with my husband and children, but I will always have fond thoughts of growing up in such a great place.

Added 27 July 2008


Comments & Feedback

As a further add-on to this memory.I lived in Highfield cottage with my family The Glynn's from 1960 -1966.I 11 when we left.I have almost identical memories to the lady above of a wonderful and magical childhood roaming the fields in summer and sliding down the cobbled driveway in winter frosts.Huge bonfires in our garden every Nov 5th and the old mill at low road was still a working mill when we moved there.My cousin worked there.Very fond childhood memories of an old Earlsheaton.I've lived in Oxford now for 42 years but looking back the memories are almost dreamlike.
I am looking for any pictures or photos of Highfield House/Cottage, if there are any about I would love to see them. I have one photo of Highfield Cottage which I was given after years of searching and it is something I treasure. Thank you for sharing your memory Andrew it is lovely to hear from someone who shares the same happy memories as I do.
Hello.I think i still have a few old family photos taken around highfield cottage.I will see if i can scan and upload them (can we upload pictures on here?).I was young and my older sister and i had little box brownies so a few old negs have survived.With ref to the above i think Mr Townsend was originally the shop keeper at the little shop on middle row.Not sure though or he may have been the chap who had large chicken hutches/runs in the field..We went into the cottage replacing the Winterbottoms who moved up to the gatehouse at the park gates.My mother (still alive and a sprightly 88) was employed by the council as a kind of adminstrator of Highfield House.My Father worked in the signalbox down on the railway.
We used to cut through Tidy Row from middle to top row on our way to school.
My sister told me that the houses were pulled down a long time ago.I was visiting family a few years ago and went to have a look.I could see the original old stone gate pillars in the overgrowth at the top of the old driveway.Kind regards.
Wow that would be great to have more photos, not sure if they can be uploaded on here, have never tried. If not send me your email and I will mail the photos I have to you. Mr Winterbottom was the gent who sent me the photo I have, he told me he lived there until the army took over during the war. I agree Mr Townend lived on middle road and I do remember the shop there. Also remember the chicken run in the field and the odd round circle as we called it which appeared in the long grass just before it, we used to play there for hours,. The Ridges lived in the house before us and I also remember walking to Earlsheaton infants school through Tidy Row. The pillars to the driveway were still there a couple of years ago when we visited the area but the Cottage is sadly long gone, they seemed much smaller than I remember them. You should get the book "Earlsheaton a west riding village" which has some lovely photos of the area and brought back loads of memories. My Dad was also the caretaker of Highfield House whilst we lived in the Cottage, we lived in Highfield House for a while before moving to the Cottage and that was also a great building with loads of memories.
hello,I would certinly be interested to see any photos of the old place that may exist.I have been looking through some old negatives and have found a small number of photos.They have people in them and are not very extensive but the house ,or parts of it,is visible in the background.I'm happy to mail them over by return email.My email is Andrew.Glynn@ricardo-aea.com.regards.
Hello Andrew did you ever manage to get those photos of Highfield House/Cottage I would love to see them.

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