Nostalgic memories of Edgware's local history

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 42 in total

In 1964 I started working at Stanley J Lee's in Edgware (family owned Dep't store). I made friends with so many people that worked there. I stayed there for about 5-6 years, and were some of the happiest of my working life. I eventually moved to Norwich where I obtained a degree in History. I still live (now retired) in Norwich, and think fondly of my SJL's but hasn't the world changed since those days. Anyone else out there that worked at SJL's around that time? David Harris
In particular I recall the large number of invertibrates in the fields at the end of Harrowes Meade, butterflies, moths, crickets, grasshoppers etc. This was before DDT! The pond at Stonyfields (?) was crystal clear, with Sticklebacks, Tadpoles, Frogs, Bullrushes. Now it is dead, covered with a film of oil, such a shame. I would like to contact my first girlfriend, Barbara Davy (Davies) who ...see more
We moved in to a brand new semi, No. 22, before the war in August 1938. The Rappapore family lived at No 20 and the Bannisters at No. 24. On the outbreak of war we were evacuated to my great Aunt in Ludlow until the intial scare of being bombed to bits was over. Work on the estate ground to a standstill leaving many properties unfinished and open. On what must be the plot of Nos 1-5 was an abandoned ...see more
I lived in Hatch End, and went to school in Pinner where one of my school friends, Andy Butler (where are you now Andy?) revealed he collected bus numbers! Until then, I had never thought much about buses as I was used to getting the usual red London Transport double decker bus on route 209 to school each day. Andy explained, that there were such things as bus garages and that the garage in Edgware ...see more
I moved to Deansbrook Road in 1970, my daughter was just six weeks old. She went to Drififeld Boys Club as a toddler, kind of nursery there. The Boys Club was run by Colin Hedges. My neighbours were Gladys and Arthur on one side, Mrs Parker and daughter on other side, THEY WERE GREAT NEIGHBOURS. We had a boxer dog called Nadia. Third daughter born here, 1972. So many great memories, I used ...see more
I grew up in Reynolds Drive,Queensbury. In those days few cars littered the road so it was quite safe to play in. I remember my lovely neighbours and in particular Mrs Sparrow and her son Clive, he and I were inseparable. My first school was Stag Lane primary then I went on to Camrose Secondary Modern where in my final year I had a new music teacher called Mr. Hinckly, he helped me a lot with my piano playing. ...see more
My mum was born in Edgware in 1932. I was born in Edgware Hospital, then moved down to Southend with my dad's job, then to Basildon New Town. My mum is hoping to go back soon, as she still misses it there. She has a lot of fond memories of her life there and I will post some soon.
I think perhaps the school being referred to is Goldbeaters. I attended this school in the infants and the juniors, until 1960 when I transferred to Woodcroft Girls School. Yes I too remember vividly, the live eels at Mac Fisheries. Tonibell , The Don Hair Salon where I had my ears pierced for 15 shillings. The markets stalls, John Fords (the old lady with thin hair who served on the ...see more
I lived in Edgware from 1941 and, although a young child, I remember the war years vividly, especially collecting shrapnel and the sounds of bombs, anti-aircraft guns and V2 rockets. In 1944 I began school at Edgware Infants/Junior School where the headmaster was Mr. Bird. Some of the teachers were Mrs Harmer who taught music, Mrs Ackroyd, Miss Weinstock and Mr. Rayson. I avoided school lunches, ...see more
Writing this is difficult. I lived in Burnt Oak as far as I know from 1949 to 1953. I recall living in a top floor flat in 100 Littlefield Road. I attended a school off Gervas Road but cannot remember the name. I do remember certain things, the live jellied eels sold near railway bridge, also Tony Bells' ice cream, the bakers and cominig home with only half a loaf. I used to walk with my nan to the top ...see more