Elsecar, Hill Street c.1955
Photo ref: E83025
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A Selection of Memories from Elsecar

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Elsecar

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This is not really a memory but since putting my memories on here one of my great uncle Lorry`s daughters Sheila went to Canada just after the war 1946 . Well guess what !her eldest daughter has got in touch with me. She has always been a name that my mother used to talk about. I always used to think about her as we were the same age . Now we are in contact by email. Brilliant my email is Suecclassic@aol.com if any other relatives come to light . best wishes to you all Sue
My grandparents come from Elsecar and Wentworth, in Mill Lane, you may have seen the Roundhouse,Can`t miss it really just up from Pondside. When my real grandad died my grandmother remarried a man named Stanley Horn from Harley. Now from the age of 13 he used to walk from Harley through Mill Lane.along Pondside as they called it and go to work in Elsecar Pit. he did this until he got married in 1947 and then only ...see more