Memories From An Ex Sankey Lad 1963

A Memory of Great Sankey.

I left Great Sankey at the age of 13, having lived at 37 Park Road with Mum and Dad and brother Chris, from the age of five. I initially attended Great Sankey Primary School on Liverpool Rd. I think where the assembly hall was across a small side road, and was where we had 'school dinners'. The only teacher I remember was Mr Neal, whom I had for two years. During our final year, we (the big kids) were housed in one of two 'new buildings' at the bottom of the playground. The playing fields were behind these new buildings. Only two incidents really stick from this time, one being a fire at a house opposite the school, and the other, falling from the front wall of the school onto my chin which still sports a scar to this day. I also remember a convent just up the road (towards Great Sankey) and opposite the vicarage. I later attended Penketh and Sankey Secondary School, situated in Hath Road Penketh - I loathed this school. My best friend in those days was Alan Litton, who lived at 37 Station Road, right on the corner of Belmont Ave( I think). I can also remember lying in bed at night listening to the jet engines being run up at nearby RAF Burtonwood (the Yankee base), and the sound of the trains which were only a few hundred meters away.
Alan was one of the few unfortunates to have contracted Polio in his leg, and was away in hospital for a very long time. Interestingly he lived next door to a red headed girl called Jennifer who also had Polio in one of her legs. Dad, was a foreman at Warrington Motor Co, the Ford dealers. When I was older about 9 or 10 I'm guessing, I would take the train or the bus (Crosvilles?) and meet him from work. I used to take Chris to the Saturday morning matinee at the ABC pictures situated right on the side of the Mersey, and sporting two feet of white foam courtesy of the Persil works. I also seem to remember that if you looked over the Mersey, written on the roof of a factory was the name GARTONS which when read backwards was 'snot rag' - so funny when you are 10 or 11!
I wasn't enamoured with Warrington or Sankey when I lived there. We moved when I was 13, to just across the boarder to Mid Cheshire. But recently I have found myself keenly interested in my place of first memory. I, these days live in Australia where I own and run a small business. I would love to read others memories about this place, at this time. Please contribute
Ian Fackrell, Albany, Western Australia.

Added 12 June 2012


Comments & Feedback

It is interesting to read Ian's comments, I do remember Ian, his father at the time use to deal in pre-owned cars ( I think), I seem to remember in particular a classic Rolls Royce being parked in the drive, I also can recollect his mother working in or near the old Warrington Market, I went to Great Sankei C P S, and I lived at the time opposite Ian's house at number 20 Park Road, I have at times wondered what had happened to Ian.
Yes those days were special, although I have worked all over Great Britain and Ireland, as well as most of Europe I live in nearby Penketh, although as youngsters Penketh was deemed as being the other side of the world, best known for its quality conker trees in Well Lane.
Yes in the 50's Burtonwood Air Base was prominent, playing football on the playing field opposite the Old Vicarage (long gone), being in the cubs and attending Sunday School, and the annual Great Sankei Walking Days.
Special Memories.
Hi Steve, I too remember you. My old memory seems to recall your Gran lived opposite Chris, my brother, and I. And that you lived on the road running parallel to Park Road at the end of the pedestrian walkway. Than may of course be incorrect it was after all a very long time ago. I still have a photo of you, me, ay Evans and some others outside 37. Your memory it really good, better than mine I think. However the car in the driveway was an Armstrong Siddley, which DID look very Rolls-ish. I have only just returned from the UK having buried Mum on 8th March. And strangely, Chris and I did a nostalgia tour 3 years ago, and one of Chris's friends now lives in your Grans old home. What a small world!!.
Thanks for replying Steve, I often think warmly of you.
Keep well
Kind regards

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