A Summer Evening In Hanwell.

A Memory of Hanwell.

I meet one of my friends, he is going fishing, it is around 6:30pm. We go down Green Lane to the canal and turn right over the River Brent. He starts to fish between the locks. Mr Hunt from Studley Grange Road passes and says hello, he is walking his dog. I think to myself he is very content, perhaps he has cracked the meaning of life. I tell my friend I am just popping over to the railway. One line has been taken up, no trains come, I set back to the canal. As I get there the familiar sound of a whistle is heard and a goods train passes by to Brentford. My friend decides he is finished fishing and we stroll back to the Fox pub. My friend has a mild and bitter and an Arrowroot biscuit, and I have a light ale. Presently, Mr Hunt arrives after his walk, I offer him a drink which he accepts with many thanks. With recharged glasses we sit outside and enjoy the fading light across the allotments. Funny you look back and it all seems like some sort of dream, but it did happen. What memories. Joyce and Les ran the fox in those far off days, I think they had a difficult time with us teenagers, but we had money. People were friendly and sometimes when sitting outside the Fox listening to us teenagers telling them about our work, in my case at the airport they could hardly believe it. I remember one asking me on a Sunday night where I had been on Saturday and I replied Zurich, he could hardly believe it, however when I showed him the stamp in my passport he did. The world was before us!!!!!

Added 27 August 2013


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