Nostalgic memories of Hersham's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 12 in total

I attended HH from mid 70's until '78 - I left after I had taken my 'O'levels there. I remember very clearly Mrs Hewlett, Mrs Earwaker (and her laugh!), Mrs. Poulter, Mrs Turnbull and her son Ffion who drove the school bus after Mr Vaness retired (he was always covered in dog hair due to having an alsation!). I also remember finding 'presents' under the desk occasionally, after one of Mrs. Hewlett's ...see more
During the 60s I lived in Surbiton and worked in Hersham. As I was getting ready to leave for work one morning in 1968, a radio broadcast warned of severe flooding along the Mole valley following heavy rains, and consequent disruption of rail services in the area. When I arrived at Surbiton station, it was confirmed that the train service had been suspended due to the flooding. I decided to take ...see more
I was at school here from the time I was about 4 till 11. l remember the classrooms had colour names, the Green Room, the Blue Room and so on. As small children we had naps after lunch when we lay on little wooden tables - it sounds odd now, but this is what l remember. There were very few of us in my class. Rosemary Thoday and Philip Coe and Susan Wilson and just a couple of others. Mrs Hewlett ...see more
Hersham House was my first school. It was run my Mrs Jean Hewlett.I lived in the cottage next door and every afternoon after school she would help me. She recognised that I had problems with reading and I am indebted to her for her help.
I used to live in Burhill road, my mum & dad were married here & I was Christened here. Years later, about 1967 my car went into the church wall after my front near side wheel decided to undo itself! I remember feeling a strange lurching sensation followed by seeing my wheel roll down Burhill Road. I then went into the Church Wall, which did NOTHNG to the stone wall but made a mess of my pride & joy Triumph Herald. Oh how embarrassed I was!
I used to fish in the Mole regularly, my home almost backed onto the River. Never caught very much although I used to be told by the old fellows (I was only very young mind) "Be careful boy, theres a massive old Pike in this River". I never could puzzle out whether I was having my leg pulled or not! I also used to launch my canvas canoe from about here & spend hours paddling up the river until it hit a very ...see more
My mother used to be the post mistress here back in the sixties. I used to come out of school across the road every lunch break, say "Hi Mum, can I please have some lunch money". I used to spend it on everything but lunch, Ha, boys eh?
Burwood Park School where I stayed for five years as a pupil. I loved the place very much and have fond memories.
In the early 1960s I used to go to ballet classes upstairs at the Watermans Arms.
Not really a memory. I was wondering if anybody has any information on the Mortimer family that lived at Molesley Close, Hersham round about the 1920's. I am researching the family tree and any information would be very helpful. My e-mail address is Many thanks.