Nostalgic memories of High Harrington's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 4 Memories

In the 1960's I used to call on members of Whithaven Buying Group and Take transfer orders for Plumrose Ltd Products. They were famous for their Chopped ham and pork , luncheon meat , bacon grill and many other products. I used to stay at the Waverley Hotel in Tangier St. in Whitehaven. every 6 weeks from Monday night until Thursday Morning. I would like to get ...see more
My earliest memories are living in no 6 Greystone Cottages. We had no inside loo and had to go to the end of the terrace for the loo. We moved to Hillary Close, Salterbeck for a while to allow modernisation to take place. First school was Harrington infants best memory was coming out of school in pairs and walking to the top of Mountain View to wait for the Queen coming past celebrating her ...see more
As a schoolboy I attended both infant and junior schools in Harrington (now closed). I recall a Police Sergeant Winters who I would believe to be housed at the police station, which was the custom at the time. I am now 80 years old, born in 1929.
My late grandfather Edward and his wife Elizabeth lived in High Harrington in the 1940s. He was a policeman. They had two sons, Gordon and William (Bill) both of whom sadly are now dead. Bill was my father. I understand they lived at Meadow View. Does anyone recall the Winters?