Hilltop School

A Memory of Hill Top.

I attended HillTop School from 1962-67 where I received an excellent, if a trifle ad-hoc, education.  Several of my teachers were what one might call 'eccentric': Mr Turner, the science master, taught his subject via the medium of pigeons!  A keen pigeon-fancier himself; he illustrated almost every aspect of science through some reference to pigeons, their welfare, and/or their abilities. As many of my friends became scientists/engineers, of one form or another, one can only conclude that his methods were successful. He was also a kind and lovely man.

Mr Darby, the English master, was another superbly eccentric mentor.  Being a keen amateur actor, he was able to impress us kids with his dramatic skills. Like all good teachers, he read to us frequently, bringing alive all manner of literature.  He was also a very strict disciplinarian. I recall, as if it were yesterday, that we sat, straight-backed, without any movement whatsoever, as he read to us, or re-enacted scenes from literature.  I owe him more than I could ever adequately articulate.

Similarly, our Music master, Mr Cartwright, was a prominent figure in our lives.  Music played a great part in life at HillTop. Those lucky enough to become members of the orchestra and choir had a most wonderful time. We played throughout the county, and frequently studied, and played, at Ingestre Hall.

I also had inordinate respect for Mr Blakemore, our Mathematics master, again something of a disciplinarian, who nonetheless had immense patience (he needed it!).

Many others spring to mind; all deserving of mention: Mr Black, Mr Rickards, Mr Price et al... We were exceedingly fortunate in having so many fine teachers. Many of whom were true gentlemen.   

My grandmother, Maud Oswin kept a butchers shop in Hawkes Lane. Her garden connected with ours, in Queens Street.  She made the most delicious black-puddings!  Similarly, her 'pork-scratchings' were mouth-wateringly wonderful - happy days!

HillTop might not have been much to look at, but I recall many wonderfully kind characters... Jack and Molly Stanton, at the barbers shop, in Hawkes Lane.  Mr & Mrs Price's fish & chip shop ... mmm, the luscious smells that assailed one's nose when walking past!   Freda, the German lady, who kept the greengrocer's shop, was especially jovial ... she used to pop the odd ripe cherry into my mouth when I was a toddler.  Food yet again: the wonderful fresh cream-cakes from Robinsons, the bakers ... it seems that so many of my memories of HillTop, involve my stomach!

Added 23 November 2008


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