Looking Back At Hockley Essex

A Memory of Hockley.

I rather enjoyed my young days at Clements Hall, Hockley children's home. We use to go scrumping and the corn on the cob field was right next to us, so we never went hungry, just ended up with tummy aches the next day. The playing field next to us was known as the cricket field and we used to make the tea for the cricketers. Then we would have days out to Southend and had one of those sun huts to do our changing in, great fun. There was always something to do in Hockley for youngsters. The schools were great. I went to Hawkwell Holt School then to Rochford Senior School as it was known back in the early sixties. I have recently looked Hockley up on multimap and noticed not much had changed. I live in York now but will be using the Eurostar train for Paris to visit my daughter as she won a PH.d Fellowship for eight weeks in Paris, on the way back I will be dropping off to see Hockley again to rekindle memories and to have a flashback in time. I know there is a lot of growth growing around Clements Hall so not sure if I will get to see any of it but hope to see some of the town. Didn't really go near the woods as that was to far for us to go. All in all I think it is a great place to grow up in.

Added 07 June 2011


Comments & Feedback

My name is Kathy McAllister and I was at Clements Hall between 1960 to 1964 (I think) with my sisters Mary and Janet and my brother John. Your memories are similar to mine....!
Hi Cathy,I remember you!!!I remember your siblings too.Im terry chapman and sisters denise and maureen.
My name was Penny Freeman and I am not sure what year I was at Clements Hall but I was very young , maybe 6 or 7. It may have been in 1956/57. I was there with my younger brother Richard and younger sister Linda. My older sister Carol joined us a little later. Her bed was next to Sadie Cohen but I always thought her name was Sadie coco for some reason. I remember the Geese, they would chase my little sister and even today she is scared of them. I remember the tram, the older children used to make pipe cleaner people and do little shows for the younger ones before we were called in for bed. I remember having breakfast and then being sent outside for the day to play. I remember having to line up outside to have a bath in some sort of shed. Youngest first and girls first. We slept in a dormitory, the youngers in one and the older ones in the other.I can remember going to school there but I didn’t like it. It would be lovely to hear if anyone remembers any of us.

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