Happy Days

A Memory of Houghton Regis.

I moved with my family from London to Tithe farm Road in Houghton Regis in 1972....aged 6. My dad got the offer of a job at Vauxhalls in Luton where he worked for many years. I have fond memories of Tithe Farm Road, the Rec and St.Vincent's Church Hall, which sadly was burnt down. Our family moved to the new estate ' Parkside' in 1975 and my parents still live there. Houghton has many happy memories for me, and I still live there close to my family.

Added 25 November 2010


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Summer1959 I first saw the new house we were moving into,not straight away as my family was opening the first house on TFE ,30 Bedford road ,I remember the large tent on the green between vicarge churchfield rd ,and lots of photos and officials walking around,it was strange coming from docklands eastend to this wide open space ,I made a friend that day she lived in st Michael's ave Eileen piper ,most of the estate was farmland ,the new vicarge was nearly built ,and us kids made friends with Mr warren sweet shop man.in September I was packed off to beecroft school following Northfields then milvale,my parents moved away in 68 after having 3 homes on the estate,I had 1plus 1 on Parkside until 89 when I left.Now I feel like I'm multi cultured I'm proud of being an east end kid but also proud of being a part of a very old community,and seeing it grow up to the point 89,I came back 2years ago and I wish the village was the same as I remember it on that summers day in 59 -
Do we know each other Dawn?? I'm Daniel (Danny) Cronin, sisters - Tracy, Dennise, Caren and Rosalind (Lindy) .. We used to live at 36 Trudent drive ... Your name seems very familiar
I used live in Enfield close my surname is Tripp, do remember me

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