Royal Navy

A Memory of Inskip.

It was the long hot summer and I'd been posted to HMS Inskip. We moved into married quarters at
6c Nelson Gardens, don't know if it's still there? We loved it there one of our better postings, we'd love to visit again, we always talk about it. We remember the church and graveyard at the side of us with a little swing park also. Up the road we remember Berts shop and a freezer place where you could get your meat. Down the other road was the estate and further on the Derby Arms pub where we had some good laughs. The Royal Navy bus used to pick us up on a Thursday afternoon to take us shopping. We remember Ann and Linda, can't remember surnames, there was a scottish girl who had a dog called skip and she used to shout in- skip ha, the memories eh, loved it x x

Added 29 December 2013


Comments & Feedback

Hi Arthur, Just wondering what year you lived in Inskip? I also lived in Nelson Gardens, in one of the bottom flats. I lived there from November 1973 until around November 1975 and my name is Linda:)

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