A Winter Walk In The Snow From Taynuilt

A Memory of Kilchrenan.

Not long after we moved to be near my new job in Glasgow, I took a few days off work so that Elizabeth and I could go sightseeing towards Oban. We took the train from Glasgow, Queen Street to Taynuilt for nostalgic reasons as Elizabeth had spent many childhoold holidays there in the 1950's. It was early December 1975 and my Glasgow colleagues tried to talk me out of making the trip as they were experienced hikers and didn't believe the two of us soft English folks could survive a winter hike!

We got off the cosy warm train in the midday crisp winter air and set off on foot to the south. We walked for miles and scarcely a car passed us as we aimed towards Kilchrenan and Loch Avich. In December the sun sets early and we had no accommodation booked so we knocked at a cottage and asked advice. The woman phoned a friend and then directed us further along the road to stay with her neighbour - a mile away! We were truly at the back of beyond as there was no electricity - just paraffin lamps! They gave us a meal and a bed for the night with a hearty breakfast the next morning. Plus giving us advice about where to go next!

We took a few photographs as there had been a light snowfall and some frost which made the countryside appear beautiful and quiet as we walked further south for several miles. At one point a dog appeared and faithfully followed us along the deserted road for a mile or so - perhaps this was a regular game it played, hoping to share some hikers' packed lunches!

I don't think we have ever spent a day quite so alone, as we didn't see a living thing apart from the dog until late in the afternoon when we reached a better road near Loch Avich. We were fortunate to discover a bus service running from here towards Oban and were really glad to catch the afternoon bus towards the comfort of a hotel!

Added 05 March 2012


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