Little Sutton 60s

A Memory of Little Sutton.

The name Craig McAteer is very familiar to me. Was Craig a gifted footballer or am I imagining things? I do remember him though. I also remember those fairs on the field behind Curbishley's garage where the bowling green is now. There was still a bowling green behind the Red Lion when I was a regular there in the 1980s although I don't know if it was ever used then. My father won me a goldfish at one of the fairs, must have been in the late 50s, and I can remember carrying it home to Seymour Drive holding it in front of my face and watching it swim around in its plastic bag. I think it lived in a big jam jar for a while after we got it home.
I always thought the Cheshire Yeoman used to be called The Ledsham Hotel actually. I had a very uplifting experience there in 1983...

Added 14 September 2007


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