My Coming To Canada

A Memory of Liverpool.

We sailed across the Atlantic on the Empress of England from Liverpool to Montreal, first arriving in Quebec City on Oct 30, 1958. It makes me wonder if this photo is of that same voyage!! I would love to obtain a passenger list. My parents are now deceased and I would like to have it as a keepsake. Our family name is BOULOUX.  My father was sick the whole trip. My favorite memory was in the playroom where they had this rocking horse. I was 5 years old and to me, this horse was huge. I was scared to get on it at first but then I would scream if I had to get off it to give another kid a turn.  The horse was made of wood and was white and black. I also remember going up to the stern. The captain was there, dressed in white. We could see 2 whales in the water up ahead. Through this round window, they appeared so bold and beautiful and even at age 5, I appreciated their strength and beauty.  Our cabin had 2 sets of bunk beds, my father slept on the top left as you came into the room.  The room was quite small.  The hallway was very narrow and as we edged along, we always had to hang on to the rails as the ship rocked from side to side.  Up on deck, was cold and there were these wooden white deck chairs. I don't remember being out there long.  It seems now  a lifetime ago.......  I have read the history of this great ship and am proud to have sailed  on one of her journeys.

Added 06 April 2008


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