Mothering Sunday

A Memory of Lower Broadheath.

This is probably around 1960, can't really remember. Anyway, it was eons ago when I would have been not quite ten years old, all the Sunday school children would leave flowers at the altar of the church. During the Mothering Sunday service we would all go and collect our flowers from the altar, and bring them to our mothers who were sitting in the pews. I always remember this on Mothering Sunday, and I think my mother was genuinely pleased when she received those flowers. Unfortunately I never got to speak to her as an adult because she died young.
I really liked that Church as well. I also remember a stained-glass window where an angel was leading a child down a path. I loved looking at that window, and I always tried to sit near it during children's services.

Added 18 March 2012


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I have been researching my family history for many years and l wondered if anyone would know anything about my family, my great great great grandfather was John Rastall senior born in Martley in 1776, his son my great great grandfather John Rastall junior was born in Broadheath in 1801 he was also a blacksmith, his son John Rastall son of junior born in1847 a blacksmith also he married Mary Ann Loynes 1870, has anyone got any information?

Hello Doreen
When I was growing up in Broadheath in the fifties and sixties there was a Rastall family. I am sure that one of the Rastall familiy members was in charge of the local post office. If I remember correctly Mr Rastall had lost part of his arm, probably in the war. Mr Rastall had a son and a daughter. The son was called Tony Rastall who would have been born either in the late forties or early fifties. I still have some Broadheath contacts if you want me to help you.
Hi Doreen and Elizabeth. I have just found this when trying to find info on one of my mother's friends. I used to live next to the Rastall family and yes it was a post office. Elizabeth, are you Rev Stevens daughter? My name was Stella Ganderton. I am looking for information on Doris Hughes' Mandy money celebration. My mum will be 100 in May and she was a very good friend of hers. Would you know anyone who might have any photos at all?
Hi Doreen and Elizabeth. I have just found this when trying to find info on one of my mother's friends. I used to live next to the Rastall family and yes it was a post office. Elizabeth, are you Rev Stevens daughter? My name was Stella Ganderton. I am looking for information on Doris Hughes' Mandy money celebration. My mum will be 100 in May and she was a very good friend of hers. Would you know anyone who might have any photos at all?
Hi Stella – yes, I am Rev Stephens’s daughter. I can remember you and your mother! Hope all is well with you! Do you remember that old pond next to the old post office? I remember trying to skate on it one very cold winter! It was such fun! I remember Doris Hughes very well but I can’t remember Doris Hughes’s Manday money celebration. I will ask around for you and see if anyone does have photos. There is someone who might know and I will ask her. Is it all right if I give your name to the person who might know about Doris Hughes’s Manday money celebration? Please say hello to your mum from me. What date is her 100th birthday? Does she still live in Broadheath? If possible I would like to send her a birthday card. I will send you a PM with my contact details.

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