Spray Leaze

A Memory of Ludgershall.

We moved to Ludgershall, this street (No 5, third house down) in 1975. My father was with the MOD and worked in the REME workshop in Ordnance Road in Tidworth. By then the road although still a close, was much longer than it shows here with lots more houses. As a boy it was a great place to grow up, as you were right on the edge of the country side with so much to do. There was a triangle of unused land just a bit further down Biddesden Lane which we knew as the common. Each autumn we would build a bonfire to compete with the huge one that was built each year at Wood Park for November 5th.
It was in these woods and fields that we built dens, caught rabitts, scrumped apples and behaved like boys did in those days. Ludgershall was a village with some real characters, good and bad and although I was glad to leave home and the village at 17 there can't be too many places like this to have grown up.

Added 17 July 2008


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