Oughtrington Infants

A Memory of Lymm.

I went to Oughtrington Infants and Oughtrington Juniors between 1968 and 1974. I do not recall to two schools being next door to each other with the caretakers house in between? The Infants was on Sandy Lane opposite the Post Office, the Headmistress was Mrs Green. The Juniors was further up on the corner of the Crescent, the Headmatster was Mr Winstanley. As a child I lived at 34 Hopefield Road, I moved away in 1982.

Added 07 May 2011


Comments & Feedback

Hi Mark. I remember you well. You bought me a pair of earrings that were like snake's eyes when I was 10.
Hi Susan. My gosh how long ago that seems. Came down Dog Bridge and round the Crescent as our youngest is at Sixth form at what was the Old Grammar. It has changed for the worse in my opinion. Cant move for all the parked cars on The Crescent, Sandy Lane and Hopefield Road. Cars seem to park anywhere at the detriment if the lovely grass verges outside there houses.Cant believe the Chippy, Post Office, W.I, Brownies hut and most of all they built on Burrells some of them pathetic three storey rabbit hutches. Marshalls has gone where we all bought our fags. Houses next too the closed Farmers Arms, it doesnt look a nice place too live anymore. It was a lovely thriving little community when we were kids where we all knew each other. I guess nobody knows or even speaks to any of there neighbours as they are all self obsessed with saying they live in Lymm !!!! Fortunately for us, we have the best memories of the area, and they cant be taken away by developers.

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