Nostalgic memories of Mobberley's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 16 of 16 in total

My name is Frank Wilson and I too have good and bad memories of Mobberley Boys School. I was sent there in 1971 due to being expelled from 3 schools. My fondest memory was jiffing (smoking) in the yard at dinner time, right under the noses of Tommy Tucker and Benny Hill. I was in Carpenter house, Frankie Maffs cat meat pie was another fond memory. Anyone reading this will know what I am referring to, if they to was ...see more
I was 13 years old old when I was sent to Mobberley boys school, it was 1966. I came from a one parent family, my mother could not cope with my truancy, me getting in trouble with the police was the last straw. I was sent to Mobberley. At first the discipline was awful but after a few weeks things worked out ok. I was given my licence in the summer of 1967 and was sad to leave. When I was at home in Salford in ...see more
I was in Mobberly Boys school in 1977 it was a nasty place for a young kid and vey scary. The only thing I did was run away. There was good pionts though, as a young kid from Ordsall, Salford I got to see the countryside wot I'd never see till then. I think I remember a member of staff was an Irishman called Mr Hicky. He was the ony one I got on with, but still they are good memories - doing a bunk round the back of the Frozen Mop pub and over the fields, lol.
was there for 2 years
Mobberley Boys School was a bit of a misnomer as it was way outside Mobberley (at Knolls Green) and was a junior boys approved school. I was sent there for pinching a box of chocolates! Nowadays I would have probably got a medal for initiative. Mind you we was always hungry, but 3 years? Well, really. The punishment worked though, I was never in trouble again. Now back to Mobberley: We used to attend ...see more
The US Army 167th Signal Photo Company was stationed in Mobberley in Nissen huts from August 1st to Sptember 1st 1944. Among other activities they used to go in the pub "Bird in Hand" which still exist today. They embarked from Southampton on September 4th 1944 to debark at Omaha Beach the next day. From then, they toured the ETO front to photograph and film the war. Their work was labeled ...see more