Kango Ammers

A Memory of Morden.

Yeah I worked there in 1963. I think everbody in Morden (unskilled) worked there at one time or another; if it wasn't there it would be Foster's transformers, or Triang. All on minimum wage or less, I got the equivalent of 28pence an hour and I was probably overpaid 'cos I did as little as I could. I worked in the stores where I could hide behind the racks of steel bars and if anyone came in I could pretend I was working. I remember being reminded vividly of the class system cos every day the two brothers who owned the joint would park their cars outside our door just to remind me of what I was striving for; a couple of bright red matching Ferraris, the first ones I'd ever seen. They were pretty rare in those days anyway, it must have spurred me on to see how the other half live cos I started dabbling in bikes and scooters and eventually got into property and the rest is history. I have spent half of my life as a 'tax exile' with houses in Florida, Marbella and good old Buckinghamshire. I drive a Mecedes SLS and a Porsche Cayenne in England, and in Florida I have a 59 Caddy and an Orange County Chopper. Best regards, Richard Allen.

Added 03 September 2013


Comments & Feedback

Hi friends, my wife which was adopted is looking for her birth mother. She worked at Kango Hammers in Morden in 1962. The best we can tell is her name is Joyce Hope. She left Kango in 1962 when she was pregnant with my wife. Any information would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank You, Ralph

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