Bentleys Farm In Weymouth Bridge.

A Memory of New Haw.

Looking at old pictures and archives of weybridge I came across this page of the very happy childhood memories in New Haw. The very first thing that striked me was when you mentioned about working at Bentleys Farm in the late 1950s.This was the same time my mum worked on the farm, and strangely she moved to Thornton heath. She still tells me many of the memories she had when she worked on the farm how hard it was. I guess working on a farm it would be. My mothers maiden name was Margret Thornhill . My dad used to cycle from Thornton heath to weybridge nearly every day to meet her ,now they live in Addington in Surrey. I just wondered if you may have known her my mum has many pictures of Bentleys Farm probably the same time you may have worked their. Know that would be something.

Added 06 July 2019


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