Three Cheers To North Heath!

A Memory of Northumberland Heath.

My little bruvver Pete got hold of a book call 3 Cheers to North Heath - what a great little book! University Place in the 1850's; the Education Act; all the different teachers and so on. Such a lot of social history as well. My mum - Madge Masters, as she was then, (Wilson now) and her sister Connie went there. My memories are those of the infants school and having to have cod liver oil, a spoon full of malt and condensed orange. Then the juniors school with Mr Gates, Granger and Mrs Ford when I was in the 4th year. And on to the seniors school - Mr Pardy, the head, Wilcox who jumped off Beachy Head (apparently), Mr S (nasty piece of work), Ashdown, Ackland and Vella.
I left school in 1963 as Cross Country Champion, Mile Champion, 1/2 Mile and 1/4 Mile Champion and of course with no qualifications whatsoever!

Added 15 October 2013


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I remember you and your brother well, and Richard Austin who lived next door to you. They were great days all your memories were also part of my childhood. I lived in 19 The Drive, which was a turning off of Brook Street and backed on to the rec, in my early years, the allotments were still being used, and then they turned them into another huge playing field.
We also had the youth club which was off Sussex road, where Jack Roberts was in charge. The football team trained on the tennis courts in the evening which was run by Jim Mac.and had such stars as Malcolm Revell, (his dad was Charlie Revell who played for Charlton) the Mcarthy brothers and Laurie Butler.
I also have a photo of the 1959 Brook Street Juniors Football team if anybody is interested, and I can still name all the team.
Memories of Brook Street School.
I lived in Ightham Road, Erith, though it was nearer to Upper Belvedere. I went to Belmont Primary School before Northumberland Heath Girls' School in 1959, aged 11. In those days my name was Ruby Little; I hated my first name so legally changed it to Victoria as soon as I could, and my surname altered with marriage. At Brook Street, as it was locally called, I remember Miss Russell was our French teacher and Miss Tucker we had for maths and music; after auditioning I became a member of the choir, as well as being encouraged to join the French Circle by Miss Russell. I remember Gloria Schrier and friends Rita and Yvonne, as well as Janet Farmer. I managed to pass the 13 plus exam, for which I had extra private tuition from Miss Tucker for maths, and went to Bexley Tec' School for Girls in Townley Rd Bexleyheath from 1961-67. I remember Grooms' Bakery near the school, a horse and cart from there used to deliver our bread, and as a small girl walking with my Mum from our house into Northumberland Heath, my Dad used to take me to a shop there to get fireworks for 5th November. I had a happy time at the school, and often think of those times. I now live very happily in Birchington-on-Sea with my lovely husband and our dogs, with my children and grandchildren living close-by. I am a retired orthopaedic nurse, thoroughly enjoying each day and making the most of my time, which included being on the Broadstairs Town Twinning committee, a Women's Institute president and secretary, and more recently a governor for our local hospital trust. I hope to return to see Brook Street and the rest of the areas of my memories soon on a visit to friends still living there.
I lived on Belmont Road and my dad worked for Grooms, drove a horse and cart and delivered bread in your area and down and around the Pantiles. I married and moved to Derby in 1970 where I still am.
Gloria Schrier was in my class at Brook street primary school.

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