Nostalgic memories of Nuneaton's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 16 of 16 in total

My family live at the top of Fife Street and always have. I really started to notice the town when I was about 7 (1968). The places I would go to when I was young (mainly with my mum) were;, The Beehive wool shop on the corner opposite The Palace Cinema, Reg Haddens bookshop on the corner of Dugdale Street, Dee Di's ice cream parlour in Queens Road, Home And Colonial supermarket in Abbey Street (with my gran,) ...see more
My name was Bernadette Conway (Connie). I went to St Josephs RC School in Caldwell. When I left school I worked in a small shop called Worthingtons. I remember shops over the road were Freeman Hardy and Willis, Yoxalls and the Home and Colonial store. I remember the tradgedy at the Co-Op hall, I used to go there on a Saturday night with my friend Josephine Jeffries. We sometimes used to buy the same clothes from a ...see more
The person in the white macintosh walking towards the camera is myself, Bob Vincent with a friend, Peter Watkins. I lived at 4, Shepperton Street, Chllvers Coton (opposite the Vicarage) and Peter lived in Coton Road close to the Arches. I emigrated  with my family to Perth, Western Australia in 1970. We used to frequent the Lido milkbar next to the Post Office. Should anyone wish to contact me, I can be reached by email
Seeing the photograph of the old Ritz cinema reminded me of the time when I was a member of the Ritz Minors Club from approx. 1947 until 1952. We all paid 6 old pence to have a morning at the "pictures" watching films like Flash Gordon, Tarzan and many others. As time went on and I reached, what I thought was a ripe old age, the building on the other corner the "Coach and Horses" pub was one of the places where on ...see more
My Mum's family lived on Barpool road (Nan and Gramps still do) and she often tells us how the kids in the street played together with giant skipping ropes made from the washing line that went across the street. Also about the mischief the gang of kids got up to (all innocent). My mum's family are the Reays, my mum is one of the twins (Shelagh). Do you have any memories to share about this time? Thanks.
Hiya all, This is Tracey Vincent (Harland). My family moved to Nuneaton around 1971 and we lived at 99 Meadowside for 9 years we had many friends. Denise and Fred Saxton along with their Children Joanne and Karen. I remember the day my Mam went to the hospital when Joanne was born. In the past  four years my Mam and Dad have had major health problems and maybe its looking ...see more