Nostalgic memories of Overstrand's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 16 of 16 in total

The image shown in this picture is so familiar to me. I lived for 13 years of my early days (3-16 years of age), about 150 yards from where this picture was taken. During very high tides we would, as young children rush down these slopes and along the 'prom' to the far end where the waves would crash against the concrete promenade throwing sea spray high into the air. We would play a ...see more
Could somebody with historic reference please quell my curiosity regarding this photograph. I lived in the village from 1958-71 and cannot see where this picture was taken. I have studied it at length and can't see anything familiar, neither building or direction. Could this picture show the hotel that fell over the cliff just to the Sidestrand side if the village, pieces of which you can still find on the beach?
Living in Overstrand from the age of 3 to 16 (1958-71), I spent many happy hours playing football, cricket, throwing homemade boomerangs or gliders, playing kickball (a version of hide and seek but a bit more involved) even early courting days on the 'Crick' as the locals referred to it (short for cricket ground). The ground was always well cared for and a pleasure to use. During the summer ...see more
My family moved to Overstrand in 1958 when I was three. We lived for the next 13 years at "Sunnyside" (now 21) Cliff Road. What a beautiful place to spend ones childhood. My memories are many but, I will try to list just a few; The quiet of the winter and the pleasent hustle and bustle of the summer, making swings up in the woods of Tolls Hill, watching the village cricket team in the ...see more
I think this picture is of 'The Londs', the narrow lane featuring fishermen's cottages leading from the village main street down to the small green and cliff top.
A wonderful picture of Overstrand High Street from 1965. I have very happy memories from this era in the picture. I would have been 10 years of age. It looks to me like they could be Girl Guides at the newsagent's shop, there would be Guide camps at the bottom of Tolls Hill every summer (us boys would know that).