
A Memory of Radford.

I was at St Marys Convent, Radford, a boarding school run by nuns for young girls wanting to be nuns. I was there for a few years - quite harsh. Anyone else got any memories?

Added 10 September 2012


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I was taking a trip down memory lane and somehow stumbled upon this site! I saw your comment about St Mary's Convent as I was there (briefly!) and begged my mum to take me home which she did,however my sister Patricia was still there. do you remember her? I did not get along with her at all and that she did nothing to help me settle in. My sister was there for some years. I can only remember Sister Albert,who I think had a limp of some sort. A lot of the girls were Irish I seem to remember. It probably was a good education but somewhat harsh. I remember washing with cold water first thing after we got out of our beds-no central heating then! I hope this adds to your memories there and I must say it was nice going down memory lane again.Best wishes
I was at St Mary's Convent I think around 1953 it was a convent training young girls for life as a nun. I was there with Dympna O Brien Brenda Keegan and I believe a girl Patricia from Newcastle most of the girls were from Ireland there were about 10 of us another girl was Mary from Ireland i do remember Fr Bennet and Sister Lua and Mother Agnes wasn't a happy time but i loved the girls there
Sorry re above St Mary's Radford my name then was Frances O'Reilly and I now live in Canada with my family

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