Rosneath, Clynder 1904
Photo ref: 52666
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A Selection of Memories from Rosneath

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Rosneath

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My birth certificate 1938 says Roseneath; father was a gardner on the estate and have photos of the estate cottage. Also pictures of reputedly oldest trees in Scotland called Adam and Eve, probably long chopped down as castle. Prince of Wales used to visit with lady friends sailing in on his yacht, the goings on scandalized locals who worked at the castle. Mother remembers a rowing boat ferry which they caught to ...see more
100 years ago roughly my maternal great grandfather Alfred Akerman owned and managed Ferry Inn, Rosneath. He was owner still in 1930. I have a Ferry Inn brochure (undated)..probably about 1920 because it says guests can be met by limousine or by horse-drawn carriage in Glasgow. Alfred's great grandfather was the same Richard Akerman a character in Charles Dicken's "Barnaby Rudge". I visited Ferry Inn in September 1956 but did not go in.
I Lived At Rosneath, Ferry Inn. My father was in the Navy and we lived at Ferry Inn during 1952. There were three other families living there, the Thorntons and the Burtons. The Burtons were related to Shackleton, the explorer. My father and his colleagues travelled to and from HMS 'Jupiter' by launch and we children used to meet them in a dinghy, although they needed only to step ashore without ...see more
My father was in the Navy and we lived at Ferry Inn during 1952. There were three other families living there, the Thorntons and the Burtons. The Burtons were related to Shackleton, the explorer. My father and his colleagues travelled to and from HMS Jupiter by launch and we children used to meet them in a dinghy, although they needed only to step ashore wothout our help. We saw the Battleship King ...see more