Memories Of A Temporary 'home'

A Memory of Salisbury.

At the time, I was in the RN, serving in a Joint Servce org attachd to the Army at Wilton. My wife and I lived in Manor Road, just off London Road. Most of our shopping was done at weekends, starting off with a 'refuel' at the Cadena, a trawl through Style and Gerrish, a leisurely walk through the outdoor market in the square, sometimes Pinders hardware shop, possibly a browse in Annetts china store. From there, it was often through Butcher Row, into the High Street (coffee at House of Steps), browse again at Simmonds Bookshop. From there it was into New Canal for cakes etc at The Bay Tree. From here, it was on to Winchester Street to see Bill Voller at his stamp shop(I was a collector even then). Next it was Bedwin Street, Bourne Hill, London Road and home.

Other memories - living in the flat below us was Mr and Mrs Dickinson - he was the Verger at the Cathedral - a lovely couple, perfect neighbours.

The strange looks I got walking down to Salisbury for the bus to Wilton. I was travelling in my naval uniform - more than once I was asked if I was lost as the area was 90% Army or RAF!

All in all, from 1962-1965, this was one the happiest times of my life. Coupled with memories of the 6 months I also spent at Bulford, Wiltshire holds a very special place in my heart.

Added 27 March 2011


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