Growing Up

A Memory of Salsburgh.

I remember the long hot nights when we would all play football down the park till it got dark, the shops on the main street when you could buy any kind of sweets (or nick them if you were skint he,he), the bridge that divided the two halfs of Salsburgh, the club we used to watch our parents in on a Saturday night, thinking it would be great to be in there, and the gala day when if you didn't walk in the parade you never got a bag.

Added 11 January 2010


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I remember living at 13 Quarrelhead Avenue now I believe Carvale Avenue.walking to Shottskirk school in winter in snow up to the tops of my wellies falling in the Roaring Jenny burn watching the BBC transmitter going up, the boys made a rope swing across the school burn I never ever made it across. they dammed up the burn in summer to swim in it My older sister won the gala day cup a few years running and was carried home on the shoulders of one of the men from the gala committee I remember he only had one arm.,and everyone queuing up at our door for a drink out of it lemonade of course or I should say ‘ginger ‘ happy carefree days then. fond memories of Salsburgh

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