Blue Anchor Caravan Site

A Memory of Seasalter.

My nan had a caravan on the Blue Anchor Site and my cousins and I were shipped off there every summer.The highlight of the week was always when the fish and chip van used to come and park near the pub. The lowlight of the week was when my old grandad used to troop us down to the communal wash house and scrub our necks in the freezing cold! Many memories of the stony beach, the thick estuary mud and that wreck of the fishing boat that used to appear when the tide went out! The old lady was so proud because the actor, (was it Peter Cushing ?) used to learn his lines while he walked along the sea wall. I live in Dubai now...and for all the glamour, I still miss those days terribly!

Added 24 July 2013


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Ah yes, my parents and my mum's sisters were among the first to have caravans on the site. I was born in1948 and have a picture of my dad holding me near our 'van in about '49. Loved the shop on the beach, the crashed war planes on the mud, the fish and chip van that visited once or twice a week. At that point we lived in Greenwich London and came down on my dad's motorbike and sidecar most weekends in the summer - the original DFLs. In the 60s we moved down to our beloved bubble. I am trying to trace the early history of the site if anyone can help?

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