Nostalgic memories of Sevenoaks's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

Why not add your memory today and become part of our Memories Community to help others in the future delve back into their past.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 15 of 15 in total

I entirely share the words posted earlier by Philip Dew, one of my colleagues at Kemsing Primary school at the time. That trek over the hills to Woodlands now would be seen perhaps as a long haul journey ! That old grey horse too was a distinct memory, but we used to go home to the top of Childsbridge Lane down the streamway that was beside the old Dartford road track, long before the waterways were ...see more
I was brought up in Kemsing at the foot of the Downs and we children would walk up to Woodlands Holiday Camp to swim for a shilling or so. On a fine weekend you could take your swimming things and some refreshments and stay up there for several hours. The pool was generally freezing and by today's standards pretty unhygenic and often with green slime on the walls and bottom and dead flies on ...see more
When I first started school we would walk up the High Street in a "crocodile" to a cafe were we had our lunch. We then walked back to school for the afternoon lessons.
My wife, Elizabeth, and I bought a house in Sevenoaks when we married in 1971 and had nearly five happy years living just to the north of the town, close to Bradbourne Park lakes before business forced us to move away. I remember my daily commute by train to work at the Bank of England in the City and having experienced awful crowded and late trains from Sevenoaks station, I decided to ...see more
One of my brothers worked at the fish shop 'Packman's' next to the greengrocers and the lady with the pushchair and small child is my sister-in-law and her children.