
A Memory of Soberton.

She had a small seat fixed at the back so that she could take me too,i had to sit on a blanket as it was hard.It use to take a while and i use to sit back there and sing my heart out,as i was so small people could not see me until we had gone pass,and i am sure they thought it was my mum singing.We use to go to the end of trampers lane and turn left pass Newtown school,then turn first right pass what was Miles garage,nothing to do with us.On in to inerfield lane sorry folks if i spelt that  wrong its been a long time.Anyway those lanes were narrow and the fields either side were higher than the road,and when it snowed they were inpassable.
My nan lived at the "Five Trees" in a cottage it was one of five,and the river ran out by her front, when there was flooding if it wasn't for the step that was leading to the front door we would of been paddling.There was a railway line up the bank in front and to the side and i just about remember the last trains that passed there.My dad was bought up there with his brothers and sister,his dad Charles William Miles,came from that area i think,only i do not know as he died in 1933,and is buried in the church across the field.My mum was stationed in Soberton when she was in the wrens at the "towers" i think that the place is now posh flats,but years ago my grandfather (Charles) was a gardener there.There was a pub there my dad said that the locals use to call it the "Pink E".Across the road from there is the farm where my uncle Peter worked.I use to love going there to visit my nan,sadly she passed away in 1976 and i will always remember her with her skirt held up picking the wild water cress in the river,she always said if you picked anything from the river do it up stream from the cows,at the time i could not understand why ....but i do now.

Added 20 January 2008


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