To Market In The Pony Cart In The 1950s

A Memory of Steeple Ashton.

If it was Tuesday and school holiday my sister Carolyn and I would go with Grampy Smith the village blacksmith to Trowbridge market. Having helped harness the pony, Peggy, to the old milk float, we'd climb in to Grampy's command "Jumpy up, then". A quick stop to check with Granny that the shopping list was correct, then as the church clock struck nine we'd set off. There was always a nip in the air and if it rained we would sit on the floor of the cart under a taupoline. On the way to town we would call at this farm or that to collect a calf or two or maybe hens or eggs which Grampy would hand to the auctioneers to be sold for the farmer.
How well I remember the sweet smell of those calves!
Next stop would be Sainsbury's (not the grocers) for bags of foodstuffs for the various farms.
Then it was time to park up. Peggy was taken from the shafts and rested beside the cart and we were taken to Moore's cafe for doughnuts and lemonaide The shopping was done (lardy cake and more doughnuts were the essentials) and any chores for neighbours were carried out.
One day Granpy (dressed in suitable working clothes) went to the government buildings in Polebarn Road. A helpful man came up to him as he waited in the approriate department and pointed out "Social security is through that door". "Never judge a man by his overcoat," Grampy replied. He thought it a huge joke and repeated it for years afterwards.
There will be many elderly men who as lads shared this experience with Grampy.
To this day Tuesday is shopping day - and I do love doughnuts!

Added 08 November 2010


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