Nostalgic memories of Taxal's local history

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 21 in total

The comments by one boy that Mr Cory interfered with him, load of tosh, don't belive him. When I was there I had good times and bad, the teachers were ok, some of them would give you a dig with their fist into you just for fun, you would get a clout of some of them. There were three bullies but we had fun, good fun, two weeks in Littlehampton, great fishing. It has taken some time for me to track down anything ...see more
Hi there people, nice to see memories of Taxal Edge on here. Please let's not get it confused with Taxal Lodge, 2 very different places, Taxal Edge and Taxal Lodge... I I have set up a Facebook group ,please search Taxal Edge Children's Home and please, please join, the more the merrier.There are photos of Taxal Edge and more to be added soon. Taxal used to be a home for sick children before it was a children's home run by boys' and girls' welfare societies. See you all soon.
According to what I have found out, this home was run in my day by two ex service men, one of them being married. There was a German female cook who made the top of rice pudding with a sheet of toffee on the top.
A big hello, to all at who attended Taxal, at this time. BIG LOVE Brendan Shortt :-)
I remember going to Taxal Edge Convalescent Home for some weeks. I cried for the first twenty-four hours because I was so homesick. I can recall how we woke up to the lovely smell of porridge every morning, it was the most delicious porridge I have ever eaten. We had to attend either the Catholic Church or Church of England every Sunday morning. When I told them that I was a Quaker, they decided that ...see more
My memories at Taxal Lodge are good ones. I started there at 12 in 1979/80. I did not get much of an education in the traditional sense but I got taught how to respect people, property, and the countryside. David Hughes was the headmaster when I started there aka 'Yozza'. Having come from a poor background on a rough council estate the place was a saviour for me. If I had not gone there I would probablt ...see more
I am writing to say at last I've found a photo of what I believe to be what I knew as Taxal Edge Convalescent home for children with chest problems, I was there in 1959 for 4 months. The home was used for children from Manchester, Liverpool Ashton Under Lyme and other areas, but I was accepted from Yorkshire as I was in need of urgent convalesence, I remember Mrs Griffiths the cook, Dr Brown Miss Shakeshaft, Mr & ...see more
I was abused at Taxal Lodge from the age of 8 to 15 years of age. I am now 46 years old and for the first time I am ready to face up to my abusers. If anyone reading this was in Taxal Lodge around 1974 onwards and was aware of what was happening can they please contact me at: Many thanks John...31.01.2011
I would like to know if any of the teachers and staff who worked at Taxal Lodge are still alive and well, they were Mr David Hughes, Mr David Dusgate, Mr Booth, Mr Gregory, Mr Lomax, also Mr david Lomas, Mr Barry Linsley, Mr Jim Vernon and wife Philis. There was also a Mr Holmes who worked there for a short time. I know these have died - Mr Brown the gardener, Mrs Dale who worked in the surgery with Mrs Godard, ...see more
I was at Taxal Lodge between 1974 to 1977, at that time Mr David Hughes was the head master,and lived in a flat inside the main building. Mr David Dusgate was the deputy head. I loved being at Taxal, it instilled in me a love of the countryside. I got on with all the staff who worked there, Mr Jim Vernon who was the caretaker at that time was someone who was good to get on with, he always had time to ...see more