My Five Memorable Years At Chaigeley

A Memory of Thelwall.

There was Mr Jim Goynes, Mr Nicholson and his wife, Mr Hamer, Mr Oxley (the boys knew him as "Flump" although I never knew why). There was Mollie Manion (known as Matron), Mrs Nicholson was her assistant and invariably was in charge of the sick bay, this was an isolated area in the roof of the main building. I remember various times in the sick bay involved in pillow fights with other sick pupils!
I remember Brian Burgess (Bugsie) also Johnny Wilson and Harry Stevens who fell from a climbing tree known to us as "the choo-choo", was seriosly injured and was removed to hospital by ambulance, all of this was observed by me and some other chums from the tree from which Brian had fallen.
Brian Burgess was model aircraft mad and spent many hours fashioning superb control line models from what seemed to me, to be complicated kits. I recall the fantastic Spitfire that Bugsie made and he flew it on the front lawn in front of many of the pupils. Johnny Wilson and I were members of the choir at Thelwall church and spent many happy hours singing at various events in the village. Both Johnny and I were sweet on two of the choirgirls, and made a date to meet them at midnight on one fateful evening! Having left our dormitories and braved the walk across the playing fields to the church we were left on our own as the girls never turned up! On our return to the school we were horrified to learn that there had been a fire alarm and as a result we had been missed! Both of us were reduced to "C" group and spent many days in the Junior Common Room whilst all other boys were allowed to play outside. I particularly recall the entire staff and pupils arranged in dormitory order standing on the front lawn, each covered in a blanket. Whilst Johnny and I approached them, I also particularly remember the feeling of complete despair.
I spent many hours working in the farm next to the school, tending the pigs and milking the cows, and together with many friends used to go swimming in the Bridgewater canal. The majority of the time we all used to play football at every given moment and were the team to beat in the Warrington district. Our local hero was Brian Bevan and I understand that there is a statue dedicated to him in Warrington. My name appears three times on the school sports shields in the entrance vestibule, and I was given the job of looking after the tuck shop, and was paid the princely sum of sixpence a week for the priviledge.
There is one event that, If Johhny Wilson ever reads this, he will remember it with  excruciating pain, and probably still has the scars ! The firework that went wrong, my apologies, Johnny.
Does anyone remember the CADS. show ? (Chaigeley Amatuer Dramatic Society) and furthermore does anyone remember Mr Arnold, recognisable by the full beard and moustache, he didn't stay long at the school but was mentioned in the verses of the CADS show song. (something about flies building thier nests in Mr Arnold's beard)
The "Jolly Roger" an aluminium indestructable rowing boat used extensively to ferry unsuspecting juniors to the duck island where they were invariably marooned
and left to thier own devices and ingenuity, arriving back at the school generally unscathed but wet.
Mr Paigton used to be the sports master and lived with his family in one of the staff houses, he was brilliant always up for a game of football.
Unlike many of my friends, I was devastated when my time came to leave. I would have happily remained at Chaigeley given the chance. So many friends, so many memories, so many good times, and most of all an education that has served me well. Both my wife and I wish you all at Chaigeley the success you so richly deserve.

Ted Harwood (known as Harbuckle)

Added 23 February 2011


Comments & Feedback

Do you remember Raf Miller number 14?
I certainly remember you Ted, though not as clearly as some of the other boys, e.g Brian Burgess, Alan Howard and Peter Arnold.
Incidentally, my school number was 24 and I will never forget it.
As for the CADS show, I was always a part of that and remember it with great pride. Do you recall that we had a special song that we always opened each show with. It was started with 'Come to Chaigeley, come to Chaigeley' Can anyone remember the rest of the words?
Hi, I remember all the names, Brian Burgess, Alan Howard, David Nash, Ron West, Johnny Wilson, Harold Stevens and you Ted Harwood (Mr 16 foot 10inches). I remember my last sports day where you beat me by feet in the cross country (round the boating lake). I remember all the teachers you mention. There were 3 of us on that fateful evening (I was the one that threw the stones up to the bedroom window of the vicars daughter and she wouldn't come down to meet us - I still know her name and the other beauty that lived near the paper shop - we used to write to each other after i left school and she was sent to boarding school). I also remember having to stand on the school steps in shorts as punishment for our escapade - when she arrived with her father for our morris dancing classes!! How embarrassing was that for us young chaps?? I remember you giving me a good hiding in the dormitory one evening. Weren't they wonderful days. I still have a couple of photos of sports days there. I remember Mrs Paigton who I thought was beautiful. Mr Paigton on my final school report wrote "the best footballer the school has ever had, both as a player and a captain". I thought Mr Nicholson was brilliant as a teacher taught me the merits of reading to my children and grandchildren. I remember breaking into lymn tip on a few occasions and coming back to the densite loaded with goodies such as old carpets etc. also fishing in the Bridgewater canal (no swimming for me thanks!!). Thanks for the good hiding (suppose you still have the hot water scar? - No one could throw a cricket ball or javelin like Ted Harwood). Absolutely brilliant days, as you said were an excellent grounding for the life ahead of us. peter arnold

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