Nostalgic memories of Wembley's local history

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Displaying Memories 71 - 80 of 101 in total

I was at the 1999 Football League Championship play-off final between Bolton Wanderers and Watford, played at Wembley Stadium on 31 May 1999. The match was won by Watford through goals from Nick Wright and Allan Smart. As a result, Watford who were "my" team, would play in the Premier League for the first time since its inception in 1992. It also meant that Watford had secured promotion ...see more
My first day of school was at Park Lane in the fall of 1949. One of the teacher's names was Mrs Reese. I thought that she taught arithmetic but stand to be corrected. I did not stay at the school long. We were sent to the new Wembley Manor school when it opened, there were only two classes at the opening as the school (Wembley Manor) was not finished completely.
We used to go to the Wimpy to have their fry up. You got a frankfurter wrapped round an egg!
I can remember paddling in the pool, the depth went from nothing to, I think, about 24 feet to allow for the height of the diving board. Every so often a bell was rung to let people know that the wave machine was about to start up. There was a rope across the pool to keep the diving area clear. Living close to Wembley I went to a lot of shows; Skating on Ice, Harlem Globe Trotters, Ice Hocky, Skating Vanities ' roller ...see more
The name of the shop on the corner of the High Road and Lancelot Road was Killips. There was also a smaller Killips shop on the other corner, and above the shop was a big square-shaped clock known popularly as "Killips clock". I lived in Lancelot Avenue, at the far end of Lancelot Road, from 1941 to 1964.
I attended the above college for one year circa 1963. What happened to it? It was opposite Copeland School. Are there any other old girls out there?
New to the site! I recollect a train of sorts being in the Brent between the tunnel under Station House & level with Brent library but pulling out of the river up on to the NCR side of the Brent. Was it something to do with construction and where did it go once in the tunnel? The set of rails remained in the river for some time afterwards - at this point the river is concrete lined & flowed only a few inches high. Time would have been late 60s / early 70s
The date is approximate. Does anyone recall, or have any information about, a large detached residence in Harrowdene Road called the Red House? It stood where the existing bungalows are in Sylvester Avenue and was demolished in the late 1950's. It was unique in that its gardens treched right down to Sudbury Avenue, unlike the other Harrowdene Road properties whose gardens backed onto those in Sudbury ...see more
I used to go to the shops in Wembley High Road in the 1960s. There was a shop on the corner of the High Road and the that had the market in it. It was a haberdashery shop. Does anyone recall what the name of the shop was?
Although it was a fair walk or bike ride away from my Wembley Park home at Barn Rise, I regularly used to play tennis in this wonderful park, always around the time of Wimbledon when everyone rushed out to play. From memory there were both hard courts and grass courts and they were pretty well-maintained. I think there may have been a putting green too. I attended the Boys Brigade across the road at the Methodist ...see more