York, Coney Street 1909
Photo ref: 61723T
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The joy of the open road – vintage and classic cars abound in this selection of motoring images from The Francis Frith Collection from the early 1900s through to the 1960s.

A Selection of Memories from York

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from York

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I miss this place
my grandparents and great grandparents married in this church and lived in the Stonebow and Pavement area.My great-grandfather and his father sold humbugs in the Shambles market:
In the early & mid 50's as a lad I spent my weekends working in the boatyard by the bridge. As you look at the picture it was downstream of Kendal bridge on the left. Access was through the arch on this side of the bridge. A selection of rowboats & a motorboat river cruiser that did afternoon runs to Bishopthorpe Palace. A start to a life of over 40 years at sea or involved in the maritime world that included over 22 years in the maritime branch of the Army. Oh happy days.
Do you remember eddy and jess Creaser landlord in the 60s