Looking Back On Life

A Memory of Chatham.

I am trying to find out about number 12 Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Kent. It was at the High Street end - a small alleyway led to a couple of small houses behind the shops. There was a toy shop called Bakers opposite St Marks Church. The houses were demolished in the 60's but there is now a gate where the alley is. My grandparents lived here, Walter and Rose Jarvis. They had 2 children, Tom and Dorothey. They moved here in the 1940's. Walter was in the navy, Dorothey went to Napier Road, Skinner Street and James Street school's in the 1940's. I used to stay there with my nan in the 1960's. I remember a man named Stanley alway's reading book's on the bench near the church, he was about for years. I remember going along to Woolworth - I loved the smell of the polished wooden floor and the counter's. I would love to hear from anyone that might be able to help me.

Added 29 February 2012


Comments & Feedback

I don't think I can be much help, but I do remember some of what you talk about.

I certainly remember Baker's Toy Shop. I bought matchbox cars there, and also items for my train set, and Airfix models.

Stan was around for years, yes, I remember him. Some of the kids used to torment him, and he would get mad and shout at them.

I also remember Woolworth, and that polished floor had some really creaky floorboards. It wasn't quite the same when all the wood was taken out and aluminium counters and a tiled floor put in its place. Do you remember the marble counters in David Greig?

I'll ask around and see if I can find out any more for you, but I can't promise.

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