St Paul`s Church.

A Memory of Clacton-On-Sea.

There was a reason for the demise of the old building, but I cannot remember it - the relatively new one is lovely too - my daughter recently got married there and I played the wonderful pipe organ that is in situ.
I used to live in Victoria Road and spent many hours practising at the organ in the church. On one very memorable ocassion I was sitting at the console writing out some pedal parts (during the winter, when the evenings draw in) in a dark church (the only light was the console one). The then vicar came in to the building and, not hearing any sound, assumed I had gone home and locked up!! Some time later, when I tried to get out, I found I was locked in!! It was the night of the Organ Society Christmas party and I, as founder member, was to be at the 'top table' and would be required to make a speech. I wondered around the building and sure enough, EVERYWHERE was secure. The only place I could get out of was a miniscule window in the gentlemen's toilet - but it was too small (or was I too big?) so I opened it and called out for help.
An elderly lady was walking along the pavement (in the dark) and she heard what she thought were cries for help...she did, but did I have some task to explain to her and to plead with her to go to the vicarage and ask the minister to come and let me out (she thought it was one of those 'candid camera' jokes!). I got to the evening function with minutes to spare and incorporated this into my speech (much to everyone`s amusement) - the latest story of my exploits!

Added 30 July 2011


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