Cove West Heath Picture

A Memory of Cove.

The picture of Cove, West Heath Corner, is the bottom of Minley Rd. To the right is what was then called Hawley Rd, to the left is what was then called Fleet Rd. The large house between Minley Rd and Hawley Rd belonged to the Arrow fanily, The house on the left side that has two shops . One of those shops was a sweet shop where we used to spend our ration coupons for sweets. I was born in Cove on Hawley Rd in 1934, then moved to The White House, 16 Minley Rd around 1938. Lived there until 1950. Cove was a small wonderful place to live in. We loved the fish and Chip shop and what we called "The Green". Remember the Rex Cinema?
We rode our bikes all ove the place. I went to Cove Elementary School on Hawley Rd, I went on to Aldershot County High School as did my elder sister. My Brother went on to the Grammar School at Farnborough. Dad was an engineer at the R.A.E. during the war. We attended St. Johns Church, I remember the Jumble Sales at the Church Hall. Remember the Canadian Soldiers at Guillemont Barracks? One year they gave a Christmas party for the local youngsters, I received a blue wooden doll cradle they made. As someone else has written, we used to go to the wooods along St. Johns Rd and pick bluebells by the arm load.
I revisited the area about 6 years ago, all the wonderful woods are gone, My house on Minley Rd is still there. If I remember correctly the Headmistress at the infants school was a Miss Gerard, and one teacher I was scared to death of was Miss Mallen, When I got my sums wrong I used to get a wack across the hands
Remember the blacksmith shop in Cove? My Grandad used to take me there as he was at one time a blacksmith.
I now live in Houston, Texas, moved here in 1953, but will never forget the wonderful childhood years in Cove.

Added 15 November 2007


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