Lanfranc Girls And Boys

A Memory of Croydon.

I have finally found a site where the Lanfranc name is Girls and Boys. I lived in Rosecourt Road in Croydon from the age of 11 until we moved to Kent when I was about 17.
My brother Alan went to Lanfranc boys and I to the Lanfranc girls school.
Alan was the light of my life, I say was because he went to Norway on that awful day. I loved him dearly and have just started reading the "Lanfranc Boys" book written by Rosalind Jones.
I would like to thank my dear ice-skating friend Carol (Brown) Thornton for what she put in the book, (please get in touch). Also Bill Cooper, Barry Lee and Barry Sturgess. Thank you all for your input (made me cry), it will probably be a long time before I finish the book through the tears.
We had loads of fun living where we did behind Lanfranc girls school, sometimes I would creep out of bed just before the whistle blew for line-up in the playground, mostly I got caught anyway, I could read the time very well as a spent most of my playtime under the clock outside Miss Williams office. ha ha.
I was with Alan loads of times, we used to go everywhere together, Mitcham Common was a regular haunt for us and our friends, we would find the golfers' balls and sell them on to golfers, made a bit of money there. Stickleback fishing was good there as well, and we loved the fairs, the small one down near the boys school and the big one at fairgreen.
We moved to Norfolk when I was 22 and I married a Norfolk man. My brother Brian Lee also lives in Norfolk, my Dad is 101 years old bless him and doing very well. I hope someone I know reads this and contacts me.
I have met a woman where we have a caravan at Snettinsham and she was in the same year as me at Lanfranc her name is Lynn and she was in a GCE class as was my sister-in-law Teresa Beadle. My emial address is
I am also of Facebook under may married name Joanie Howse.
Thank you for reading my little story.
Regards, Joanie, with my very sad memories always with me.

Added 26 August 2011


Comments & Feedback

My name is Maureen Harris (née Tolfrey) and I attended Lanfranc Girls until 1960,when we moved to Essex. I remember being under the clock outside Miss Williams office only too well. Happily passing the 13+ and doing GCE subjects. Also remember Peter Boyes as he had been in our primary school class at Kinglsley (I think) junior school. My best friend for all those years was Hilary Roshier and still is 60 years later, despite my emigrating to Australia. In Croydon we lived in Wentworth Road and I had cousins living on Mitcham Road (Kath and Evelyn Crang - a bit older than me) who also went to Lanfranc. Have just finished reading The Lanfranc Boys and found it all very emotional. So very sorry you lost such a lovely brother. Please feel free to get in touch.
Are you related to pauline Tofrey my name was Trudie Dyball l was in class 3b wich was a class that moved about a lot we never had a class room mrs grant and miss lux was our teachers there was twins in our class as well l think we may be related my marrage

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