Frodsham Church

A Memory of Frodsham.


I am very interested in the life and works of an eminent sculptor, Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841). In a book - "Manchester Banks and Bankers" dated 1878, I have found an intriguing reference to a memorial, which may refer to your Church. The chapter deals with William Allen and his wife, Nelly (Livesey). William died on 16th October 1792 and Nelly 16th October 1825. There follows ...

"Mr. Allen found a resting-place at Frodsham, where he died four years afterwards ... aged fifty-seven. ..... In Overton Church, by the side of the alter, there is a marble monument to their memory, the work of Chantrey, and which must have cost hundreds of pounds. It is surmounted by a pair of the most exquisite medallions to be found in England. The vault, which contains no other remains, is on the south side of the church."

I see from the map that there is an Overton in the borough. I would be most interested to know whether the monument exists in your church. Mr Allen may well have been a non-conformist, but a memorial by Chantrey seems a more appropriate to an Anglican church. If it isn't there - perhaps it might be in one of the other chapels in the borough.

I hope that this query will not cause any inconvenience and hope that I may look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Added 16 November 2007


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