Postbridge, c.1955
Photo ref: P102008
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A Selection of Memories from Postbridge

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Postbridge

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My aunt and uncle owned a house called Ferndale in Postbridge. It was just inside the signpost for Postbridge, coming from direction of Warren Inn, where the horsemen and their hounds used to meet. I was a young girl of ten or so and our family loved to visit. My relatives names were Redvus and Evelyn Webb. We would get excited to visit Princetown, to see the prisoners working in the field and often they ...see more
The East Dart Hotel is located towards the middle of lonely Dartmoor and the drive there has fabulous views of the Tors. Mind you its not easy for a driver to admire the scenery as in the evenings there seem to be hundreds of sheep lying on the road soaking up the warmth from the sun baked tarmac! I came here on a recent Wednesday evening to meet friends from Dartmoor Border Morris as my ...see more