Fred Kings Greengrocers In The High Street

A Memory of Thornton Heath.

Hi, my name is Julie King and l am 51 now. I lived in the greengrocers with my dad, Fred King, and my mum, Pat King, with sisters Maxine, Sharon and brother Terry. The shop was opposite Whitehorse Lane along the High Street. It was next door to Hilders the haberdashery shop and Mitchells the tv shop. There was a watch menders and a pet food shop along the same row of shops. It was a very busy shop and my dad used to deliver orders on a Friday night, my dad sold up when the big Tesco supermarket was going to be built near the clock tower, Does anyone remember it?

Added 11 February 2013


Comments & Feedback

Hi Julie my name is Helen Cunningham now Madden just had idea a few days ago to look and find pictures of Thornton Heath as I remember it and there you were writing about your Mum and Dad who I remember well obviously along with Maxine Sharon and Terry. I remember the shop well and how busy it used to be. It was interesting to see all the old pictures just as I remembered it.It has changed a lot over the last few years. I have lived in Wales for the last 25 years but my Mum and Sister still live local. Great memories we have.
Hi Helen it's lovely to hear from you.I had forgotten I had even put this comment on the website it was 3 yrs ago now as I said I was 51 then ,How time is flying . I hope you are well ,so you are living in Wales now .I live in Purley Surrey .Sharon and Terry live local but Maxine and Mum and Dad live in Hastings .Are you on Facebook Helen it would be lovely to befriend you and keep in touch ? X
Hi Julie lovely to hear from you too. I wondered if you would see my message as yours was from 2013 but thought I would chance it. I am not on facebook but my girls are always nagging me to join so I think it's time I did. Haven't got a clue how to do it mind will get help from them. Until then I will get one of them to find you for me it will be either Aimee or Laura are you under King. Glad you are well, I know where have the years gone I am 55 this month seems like yesterday when we were all hanging around together in our gang had some laughs didn't we. Will be in touch take care xx
Hi Helen Yes you must get on facebook i have found so many old school/work friends some have moved abroad and i would never have found them if it wasnt for FB its lovely to keep in touch and find out what has happened to them since i last saw them . My sister Sharon isnt on Fb either im always telling her to join in its easy to use once you get used to it it actually becomes a daily thing for me to log on now . Please do get one of your daughters to find me, yes its under King and its a pic of me, you might recognise me . I drove through Thornton Heath a couple of weeks ago it has changed i even drove past Pridham Road ,that took me back to our good times when we all used to play together . I found Carol Worthington on fb a few months ago we often have a chat online .. Look forward to seeing you on FB ... chat soon take care xx

hello there ladies you dont know me Julie, but i was in the same year as your sister Maxine my name is paula white used to be Everson. i was in the same year as Denise Stevens, Linda Rainbow was so lovely to hear a 'rave from the grave' Thornton Heath is so different now. I remember the Kings fruit and veg shop so well
Hello ladies, I'm a Julie too, Stevenson as was and my mother a Holmes. I remember Kings greengrocers at the end of the High Street as it turned into Whitehorse Road. I may be on the wrong track but believe Fred King senior (may have been Maxine's granddad or uncle) and wife Doll moved to Margate and had a B&B there?
Hi Julie. What memories !! My family lived in Zion Rd and were regular customers of your dad and mum. She was so pretty and wore gold hoop earrings I envied. I left in 1972 for Australia and am still here but remember all those shops you mentioned , also the church and the George pub. I saw online that the High street has changed a lot. I worked for a while at Hugh Orr the optician in the High St. my family name was Paye. Does anyone remember my brothers Derek, Rod and Peter? Where are the Reason girls, Jaquie Houghton Jennifer Carter and the Champion girls.? Thanks for making me remember those days.

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